26.06.2007 Evaluation, Performance Measures No Comments

Kudos to OMB "Proud to Be" Initiative

On May 31, 2007, Clay Johnson released a memorandum to the President’s Management Council to annouce the establishment of an effort to get agencies to document “Where they would be proud to be” in two years (2009).  This memorandum represents OMB’s next step in its effort to get Federal agencies to “Green” in each of the five categories of the President’s Management Agenda – Strategic Management of Human Capital, Competitive Sourcing, Improved Financial Performance, Expanded eGovernment, and Performance Improvement (aka Budget and Performance Integration).

OMB is to be commended for continuing to devise creative ways to get the attention of Federal program executives focused on what is really happening in their agencies and the extent to which a) resources are effectively applied to the problems at hand, b) processes and infrastructure investments directly support delivery of meaningful services (outputs), and c) those servies do in-fact lead to meaningful results (outcomes).

In my opinion, this latest OMB strategy takes government performance accountability to the next level by making it “more personal” – Clay specifically asked each agency to indicate “where they would be proud to be on July 1, 2008 and July 1, 2009″ with respect to each of the five PMA initiatives.  If successful, this initiative will engage agency executives to make a personal statement of what they would be proud to achieve in the stated timeframes.  And, I am all for strategies and initiatives that put performance planning more in the hands of agency operators than in detached planning staffs.

The entire 78 page memorandum can be seen at: http://www.cio.gov/documents/PTB5_Memo_Attachments.pdf

Comments welcome…r/Chuck

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