11.10.2012 computer security, counterintelligence, cyber crime, cyber security, Economic espionage, espionage, information security, insider threat, leadership, security, security threats No Comments

Why can’t Johnny be good? The making of an insider threat

“When Johnny reports to work for you on Day 1, they DO NOT intend to do you or your organization’s information systems any harm; something happens to them, either in their personal or work life that changes this – the CEO’s or Agency Head must be held responsible for making sure they know what’s going on with all of the Johnnys (and Janes) in their organization to prevent the good people they hired from becoming insider threats.”

While most of the world is focusing on “technology” as a solution to preventing insider threat attacks to organization/agency information and systems, hardly anyone is focused on leadership’s responsibility to create and sustain a work environment that minimizes the chance for an employee to turn into an insider threat.

On October 21, 2012, I had the chance to speak on this issue at the 2012 International Cyber Threat Task Force (ICTTF) Cyber Threat Summit in Dublin, Ireland a few weeks ago; here is a video recording of my presentation, I hope you find it informative and useful.


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